Petal vs the Bad Girls
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Petal gives a girl crook an aching tummy! |
Once upon a time, around now, a very clever and very evil lady called Serena was boss of a gang of female felons, who thought they were invincible. But when the crime fighting Petal, a judo jousting, kung-fu kicking karate girl was on their case, the bad girls don't stand a chance! With devastating kicks and punches and bone breaking holds, Petal and her assistants, the twin sisters Popsi and Pepsi leave the villainous vixens in need of a lot of medical attention! Read the thrilling account of this cat fight clash, with 58 colour illustrations, here,
Here'a an extract from the most exciting story since Homer wrote the Iliad, which introduces Serena, the boss of the malevolent maidens.
"I understand your problem Mr Morgan, and it's exactly the type
we solve."
The speaker was a woman of about thirty, of an arrogant beauty, her
voice showing her relaxed confidence. The fact that she was in the
company of the CEO of the worlds largest bank clearly did not
intimidate her, she was relaxed, casual even, lighting a cigarette
with a silver lighter and blowing smoke rings into the air. The CEO,
Mr Morgan, protested that smoking was banned in his office, but then
added that he'd make an exception for her. "Dammit Serena, I
can't refuse you anything."
If only, Morgan thought for a moment, he was thirty years younger!
Serena was not only beautiful, she was beguiling. Her long red air,
her fitted blouse which clung to her chest, her skirt, which, though
its hem was below the knee, was so tight it was a sensual pleasure to
watch any movement of her legs, and her slightly aloof manner, like,
he thought, a Hollywood goddess from the fifties. It took some effort
on his part to put aside these thoughts, and return to the subject
they were discussing.
"Let me sum up the situation. This bank, Barclays Sachs, is the
biggest around, but despite that, in 2008 we were bust, and the
government handed over fifty billion to save us. Since then me and
the guys on the Board have worked our butts off, and got no thanks
for it. And we each helped ourselves to a few tens of millions of the
money from the government, hell, that's normal in banking. But along
comes some creep whose got the evidence of what we did, and he wants
ten mill or he hands it to the cops."
"And," Serena interceded, "the problems not the ten
million, you can manage that, it's that you don't know if he'll keep
his side of the bargain and give you this evidence, or demand more
money, or maybe even still blab to the police."
"Right, As top dog I'd get thirty years. It's not as if we did
anything wrong, it hadn't been our fault the bank went bust, the
credit markets froze, just when we needed credit. So the government
helps us out, but the publicity was, and still is, so bad we couldn't
have an increase in pay, officially, so we took one, well,
unofficially. But we deserve it!"
"I'm sure you do. And you've nothing to worry about, we'll have
your problem solved soon. So, I'll be in touch shortly, it's time I
"I've got to be going too, the banks donating to a hostel for
young single mothers, I'm presenting the cheque. It's good publicity
for us. And," Morgan hastily added, "I'm very anxious to
help poor people."
"I'm sure you are."
Serena rose from the chair, Morgan watching her closely as she walked
to the door. "Goodbye Mr Morgan." Serena smiled as she
left, and strolled to the lift, when her phone rang. A text from
Lorraine, one of Serena's associates, saying that they must talk, in
person, immediately, the last word being in capitals. She replied to
say she was on her way, and got a taxi to the other woman's
"What's up?" Serena asked, as she sat down in the main room
of Lorraine's home.
"Want a drink Serena? You may need it."
Noticing the anxiety in Lorraine's voice, Serena was silent briefly
before answering. "Whisky, straight." Lorraine handed her
the drink, then rested against the edge of a desk. She was an
attractive woman, like Serena about thirty, with long blond hair, and
was clad in a white blouse and grey jeans. "Remember the Moscow
job?" Serena nodded. "How we were hired to lift a pile of
antique jewels from a museum, and we sent three of our girls to carry
it out?"
"Any problems?"
"Not initially," Lorraine continued, "the museum boss
was entranced by the girls, and they got compromising video of him
indulging his lust. Even better, Susan told him they could marry if
he had the means to keep her like she'd like to be kept. He believed
her, and boasted of how he'd looted the museums government grant, and
had a small fortune stashed away. Susan was recording his words, and
when he was presented with the evidence of how he could be disgraced
by his infidelity and would face prison for theft, he readily agreed
to turn off the museums security measures one night, and the girls
would go in and grab the jewels. He'd then tell the cops some
gangsters had threatened to kill his family, unless he let them pinch
the jewels. Whether the cops believed him wouldn't concern us. What
concerns us is what happened after the girls left the museum."
Serena had finished the whisky by now. "So what happened next
"They left by a side door, into an alley, it was the middle of
the night. At this point they were confronted by a young woman, who
took the jewels off them."
"How?" Serena's voice was raised, "Was this girl
"No." Lorraine picked up a piece of paper from the desk.
"This is state of our girls now." She read from the paper.
"Isabel, dislocated elbow and broken jaw. Tracy, broken
cheekbone and internal injuries from a blow to the stomach, nasty but
at least not life threatening. Susan a broken nose and severe vaginal
injuries from a kick in the crotch."
"Kicked in the crotch!" Serena gasped, and in unconscious
movement put a hand, as if in protection, to the front of her skirt.
On regaining her composure, Serena asked if they knew anything about
this woman who'd robbed them.
"We've got a description, obviously, and the girls said she
spoke with an English accent. And that she fights like a demon, which
I think is obvious."
Serena stood, and poured herself another glass of whisky. "Let's
take it one point at a time. She could be intending to sell the
jewels, I suggest we contact everyone we know in the underworld to
alert us if they hear anything." When Lorraine said she'd
already done that, Serena continued. "Good, but I don't think it
likely that she's intending to sell them. Think about it, how did she
find out about us? The guy at the museum hiring her perhaps? Not very
likely, how many people know where to find a woman who can fight like
she can. More likely our communication encryption was broken, which
suggests a government agency. If she's British, then probably we're
dealing with their security forces."
Lorraine nodded in agreement. "That's what I think, and if
that's the case we've got a big problem."
"Maybe. But if our theory about her is right, than Britain's
security agency would never allow themselves to be associated with
somebody operating like she is. She's on her own. And I've got an
idea of how we can maybe exploit that, but for now we need to arm all
our girls. We get some guns, pronto!"
"Well," mused Lorraine, "none of us would stand a
chance in a fist fight with this woman, but we've never used guns
before, some of the girls may not like it."
"When they hear what she did to three girls that'll convince
them they need to be armed. And Susan, " Serena laughed, "will
take great pleasure in shooting this bitch. She might have forgiven
the broken nose, but not the injury to the part of her anatomy that's
her most frequent source of fun, she'll be cross!"
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